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About Me

Hello! I'm CJ, and I run @manmadezines!

Although I am primarily a zinester, I also make homemade stickers and draw on the side. This online store is meant to be a way to sell all of this art for cheap outside of in-person markets. Because I don't have the income to get a premium version of BigCartel, I can only list a limited amount of products on this page. Therefore, I only sell mystery bundles here for now.

If you want to buy specific zines and don't want the mystery of the mystery bundle, you can either:

- Follow my socials and turn up to an in-person event.

- Check out my page, which contains digital scans of my zines you can print out.

- Go to Andromeda Zines, who currently stock my most popular zines (as well as zines from other artists!).